Unit 6

Topic 1: Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing

Please review the Discussion Board
Participation grading rubric on your course syllabus. This is important
information to ensure you earn the maximum points.

Both Web 2.0 and Cloud computing are being
leveraged (or at least studied) by organizations today. For this thread, select
at least one topic and share with your classmates the following:

What does this topic entail?

What examples can we find that have helped organizations succeed?

What are the future prospects in this area?

Topic 2:
Cost/Benefit Analysis

Describe what Cost-Benefit
Analysis is in detail and how it is used by Systems Analysts during a system
development project.

Unit 7

Topic 1:
Systems Output Points

User output methods have
changed dramatically over the past few years. In this thread, let’s investigate
how! In your response consider what forms of output we need to consider for our
business partner.

Topic 2:
Security Points

Class, what are the security
issues that systems analysts need to keep in mind and address during the design
phase? Let’s spend a bit of time surfing the web to see if we can find
examples/suggestions. Share your findings with our classmates. Please keep in
mind the requirements for a quality response as you address this question.