Week 1 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W1_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Screenshot of the configuration screen showing the time zone, computer name, and IP address. (50 points)
Week 2 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W2_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Lab 2a: Install and Configure Active Directory
1. Is the firewall turned on? (3 points)
2. How do you turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration.? (3 points)
3. Which link allows you to change the computer name? (3 points)
#1 configuration screen (3 points)
#2 First Diagnostic screen (3 points)
#3 Scroll down to get the rest of the Diagnostics screen (3 points)
#4 Screenshot of telnet command (4 points)
#5 Active Directory installed. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
#6 Windows 7. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
Lab 2b: Organize Users and Groups
#7 Your name logged on to the Windows 7 PC (4 points)
#8. The name of the user in the group (4 points)
#9. Both groups in the middle panel (4 points)
#10. Ability to delete OU (4 points)
#11. Delegated user (4 points)
Week 5 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W5_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Ping from Windows 7 based on your name (12 points)
#2. Web Server Role (12 points)
#3. Web page with URL based on your name (13 points)
#4. ipconfig information showing DHCP server and IP address. (13 points)
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W6_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
25 points
In the space provided below, write a minimum of five college-level sentences in your own words that describe your experiences with this lab assignment. Include an overview of the major tasks accomplished in this lab and any difficulties you encountered in the completion of this lab assignment.
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W7_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Task 2Configure the networks file
Step 2: Append network
Clear the screen and use cat to display the contents of the /etc/networks file. Capture the Element K desktop in the text box below. |