Week 2 Lab Report

This document contains the template
you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last
name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W2_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).

Follow the steps for this week’s lab.
At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question
or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place
screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate
weekly Dropbox.

Lab 2a: Install and Configure Active

1. Is the firewall turned on? (3 points)

2. How do you turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration.? (3 points)

3. Which link allows you to change the computer name? (3 points)


#1 configuration screen (3 points)

#2 First Diagnostic screen (3 points)

#3 Scroll down to get the rest of the
Diagnostics screen (3 points)

#4 Screenshot of telnet command (4 points)

#5 Active Directory installed. Computer name including domain name (4

#6 Windows 7. Computer name including domain name (4

Lab 2b: Organize Users and Groups


#7 Your name logged on to the Windows 7 PC
(4 points)

#8. The name of the user in the group (4

#9. Both groups in the middle panel (4

#10. Ability to delete OU (4 points)

#11. Delegated user (4 points)