Many of you are familiar
with metrics, I am sure. Metrics are measurements that are used to evaluate
results to determine if goals are being met. Two areas addressed in your
text (that are measurable and may be contributors to the metrics process)
Critical Success Factors (important steps companies perform to
achieve goals and objectives in support of their strategy), and
Key Performance
Indicators (quantifiable
measurements a company uses to evaluate whether (or not) critical success
factors are being met….
As a response to this topic,
identify (from your business, organization, etc.) a critical success
factor that is important to your firm–briefly describe it, but make
it detailed enough for me to understand. And, address two or three (minimum of
two) KPI’s that may be used to measure it. Be as thorough as possible, and cite
any references you may use for this exercise.
You may even be able to
find examples that firms use, publish or detail, via the Internet (check
business’ Web pages, for instance). Just ensure you give credit where
credit is due….
One of the most
recognized areas that management information systems (MIS) have been prevalent
in supporting is, you guessed it; decision support! There are a myriad number
of decision support systems out there; designed in one manner or another, to
support the business’ decision or management processes. These include;
operational support systems (OSS), managerial support systems (MSS), and
strategic support systems (SSS)–you usually do not see them abbreviated as
such, but I abbreviate them for the sake of…well…. brevity! 🙂
As a response to this conference
topic, in 2-3 short paragraphs (and after reading the
respective areas covering these types of systems, in your text), briefly
describe an information system you use, or may have used (or may even just be
familiar with)–if you have to do this in research mode (meaning, if you have
to research an IS because perhaps you do not use one–very rare) ensure you
cite your source(s). After describing it, determine if it is one of the three
types of systems we have referenced in this conference topic. Describe why you
believe it is of that particular type of system. Yes, a single IS you may be
familiar with can actually fall in to more than one type, but that’s okay–I
only need one.
There is no doubt that
the Internet (you seldom hear the term “World Wide Web”
anymore–thankfully!) has changed the way in which we think of doing business.
I am sure most of you have purchased a product on-line, or at least used
services provided on-line to aid you in making reservations, find information,
or even look for better deals! Electronic business, or e-business it is more
often called, has become an important part of “most” firms’ business
model. Your text, starting on page 101, covers the four (4) most common
business models:
* It is very important
that you read this section and familiarize yourself with the concept of each;
you will see it again, I can assure you 🙂
With the maturation of
the Internet, we have now come into a technologically-enhanced phase of the
Internet, often referred to as “Web 2.0”; as your text alludes to;
“a more mature, distinctive communications platform characterized by new
qualities…..” More, user-friendly, intuitive capabilities that
allows the user or customer a much better experience by the use of
human-centric capabilities. As such, there are some distinctive
characteristics of Web 2.0, that are referenced in your text: Content
sharing via open sourcing; User-contributed content; Internal collaboration,
and External collaboration.
As a response to this
Conference Topic: Select, and
define (in your own words), one (1) of these characteristics. Then, in 2-3
paragraphs, give an example of a Web site, service, capability, or system you
have used (or are familiar with, or have done research on) that depicts the
characteristic you have addressed. Explain “why” you believe it to be
supportive of the selected characteristic; give examples, etc., to support your