Course Outcomes:
IT530-1: Analyze the business impact of data communications and networking technology.
Assignment Instructions:
1. Web servers (and browsers) are one of the most familiar and commonly used network applications. Research and compare two Web server technologies of your choice (such as Apache® or Weblogic™, for example) and discuss their differing functionalities, cost of deployment, general rate of adoption by businesses and other pertinent points. Which Web server software is most commonly used? Why? Would you be more likely to adopt an open source Web server application? Or not? What would be the advantages or disadvantages of using an open source Web server application?
2. Based on your research, write a 6-8 page paper that researches the use, adoption, and implementations of two different Web server technologies. The paper should also discuss the costs and support considerations of the Web server applications.
Preparing Your Assignment:
The written essay/paragraph formatted paper should be 6–8 pages long NOT including cover page and references. As you research various access technologies, ALL of the pages must have citations and references. No more than one direct quotation (of 40 words or more) is allowed per page and bullet lists without substantial narrative included are strongly discouraged. There should be no spelling or grammar errors. All written Assignments should be in APA format. APA formatted in-text citations and references are required for all sources, and all figures and tables must be captioned in APA format. If you are unfamiliar with APA formatting, please see the Kaplan Writing Center for more information on how to work with APA.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment:
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT530 Unit: 2 Points: 90
Copyright Kaplan University
Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username-IT530 Assignment -Unit#.doc (Example: TAllen- IT530 Assignment-Unit2.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 2: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 2.
Assignment Requirements:
All papers must meet these standard requirements:
Paper follows APA formatting
Length is 6–8 pages long, not including references and cover page
No more than three bulleted or listed points per paper.
No more than one direct quote per page from a reference source and those quotes must be properly cited within the body and in the references at the end of the paper.
Title page
Outcomes addressedin this
activity:Unit Outcomes:
Explain the characteristicsofa networkapplication.
Describe where network
intotheOSI modelofnetwork
Assess networkapplication
architectures andcompareuses ofdifferent application architectures.
Explain howthefundamental
applications processes operate.
Evaluate which application architectures are appropriatefor differingnetworkscenarios.
IT530-1:Analyze the business
Web servers (and browsers)
areone ofthemost familiarandcommonlyused
networkapplications.Researchandcompare twoWebserver technologies ofyour choice(suchas Apache®orWeblogic™,for
their differing functionalities,costofdeployment,
general rate ofadoptionbybusinesses and otherpertinent points.WhichWeb server
softwareismost commonlyused?Why?Wouldyou
bemorelikelyto adopt
an open sourceWebserverapplication? Ornot?Whatwould be
theadvantagesor disadvantages ofusinganopensourceWeb
Basedon your research,write a 6-8page
paper that researchestheuse,adoption,
differentWeb server technologies.The papershould
also discussthecostsandsupport considerationsoftheWeb serverapplications.
should be6–8pageslongNOTincluding coverpageandreferences.
Asyouresearch various
accesstechnologies, ALL ofthe
pagesmust have citations
andreferences. Nomore than one direct
quotation (of40 wordsor
more)is allowed perpageandbulletlists
substantialnarrative included
arestronglydiscouraged.Thereshould be no spelling orgrammarerrors.Allwritten
Assignmentsshould be in APAformat.
APAformatted in-textcitations
requiredfor all sources,
in APAformat.
Ifyou areunfamiliarwith APAformatting,pleaseseethe KaplanWriting
Centerfor more information onhowto workwith
Compose yourAssignment
in aMicrosoftWorddocument
andsave itasUsername-IT530Assignment
-Unit#.doc(Example:TAllen- IT530Assignment-Unit2.doc). Submit
your file byselecting
2:Assignment Dropboxbythe end ofUnit2.
Allpapersmust meet these standardrequirements:
Paper followsAPAformatting
Length is6–8pageslong,notincluding references and cover pageNo morethanthreebulleted orlistedpoints
per paper.
No morethan
onedirectquoteper pagefromareference
source andthosequotesmustbe properlycited
within the bodyandin thereferences attheend
Title pageReferencepage
Answerscontain sufficientinformationto adequatelyanswerthequestions
and contain nospelling,
grammar,orAPA errors. Points deductedfromgradeforeach writing,
grammarerrorare atyour
and examples
in Docsharingorvisitthe KU
fromtheKU Homepage.
Also review
the KU Policyon
Plagiarism. Thispolicy will be strictlyenforced
on all applicable assignmentsanddiscussion
posts. Ifyouhave
contact yourprofessor.
Reviewthe grading
beginning thisactivity.
Unit2 Assignment
Grading Rubric=90points
Assignment Requirements |
PointsPossible |
Points Earned |
1.Document includes introductoryparagraphdescribing |
0–20 |
2.Document includes detailedoverviewand |
0–20 |
applications. |
3.Document includes examination ofWebserverapplication |
0–20 |
4.Comparison ofWebserver |
0–30 |
Total(Sumof allpoints) |
Less:Standardrequirements pointsdeducted. Plagiarism is totally |
Adjusted TotalPoints |