Assignment 1

Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Unit Outcomes:

• Identify two resources to apply to your continued
professional development

• Complete your professional resume

Course outcomes:

IT499-7: Professional Development: Demonstrate an
understanding of the importance of professional

development in the IT field.

Assignment Instructions:

Whether you are entering a new career field or striving for
a promotion with your current employer, two criteria

will apply:

1. Your resume needs to be current.

2. Professional development will be necessary throughout
your career.

First, begin this unit’s Assignment by addressing the two
criteria noted above. Now is the time to visit the

Career Network at Kaplan University and identify the
materials they have available. Take advantage of these

valuable resources and complete your resume.

If your resume just needs some minor updates, then this will
not be time consuming. If it has been years since

you updated your resume, or if this is the first time you
have written a resume, this process will get you started.

This will be a work in progress, but a necessary step.
Research resume examples in your field and use them

as a reference. Your resume should include your work history
(if applicable), education, and basic contact

information at a minimum. All resumes must look
professional. Your resume should not contain typographical,

spelling, or grammar errors.

Secondly, research and identify two resources for
professional development. In some cases, you may be

interested in pursuing a master’s program. In other cases,
Cisco® certification or project management

certification may be appropriate for your field. Choose two
specific certification or professional development

options. Identify the exams (if applicable), cost, and
potential timeframe to complete each professional

development item. Next, describe what impact the
professional development might have on your career path.

What led you to make this decision? Is this certification or
degree commonly listed in job descriptions that

employers or websites have? If so, what job description(s)
would apply? Be specific, be intentional, and use

this as an opportunity to continue your education within
your career.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment:

Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft® Word® document and
save it as IT499_YourName_Unit_1.doc and

submit it to the Dropbox for Unit 1.

Assignment Grading Rubric