kaplan IT499 unit 1 to unit 5 discussions [ unit 1,2,3,4,5 ] by ella | Mar 26, 2024 | Computer Science Unit 1 discn Professional Development As Information Technology is an ever-changing field, continuing your professional development is particularly important. Within your field of study, what additional training will you pursue after graduation? Certifications? Additional credentials? A Masters program? Goals and Resources Please describe your goals for after graduation (new job, promotion, new degree plan, etc.) and identify one resource you feel would be an asset to your continued professional development. How much does it cost? What is the estimated time it will take to complete? Why would it benefit your career? Please be sure to include the URL of any resources you have identified. Unit 2 Project Initiation Discuss the ideas you have for your project this term. Who is the client? What are the intended outcomes? How will this be an asset to your intended career plans? Please make sure to give feedback to your classmates on their project and ideas on how to make their projects stronger. Assignment Resources Please post a resource you have found for this week’s Assignment. What resource has been the most helpful to complete the Assignment? Unit 3 Ethical Concerns Do you believe that an employee’s Internet usage at a company should be audited and governed by usage policy? Or, do you think that people should be able to use the Internet however they would like on a company’s Internet connection? If a company did not want to audit usage for compliance, how could they protect themselves from liability and prevent inappropriate usage? Are these ideas realistic? After you have written and posted your response, read the postings of other students in the class and reply to at least two of them. Assignment Resources Please post a resource you have found for this week’s Assignment. What resource has been the most helpful to complete the Assignment? Unit 4 Defining Costs Establishing a budget for a project of this size can be challenging. What are you using for reference to help establish your budget? What resource have you identified to help you include all the necessary line items in your budget proposal? Include one vendor or supplier you are including in your budget as well. Assignment Resources Please post a resource you have found for this week’s Assignment. What resource has been the most helpful to complete the Assignment? Unit 5 Reacting to Change People react differently to change. One type of person will embrace change and respond to it quickly and positively considering imposed changes as opportunities to utilize their skills. A second type of person considers imposed changes as inevitable events they have to deal with in the normal course of working. While not embracing the imposed changes, they focus on how the change impacts them and what they have to do to cope with the changes that have been imposed. A third type of person is very slow to accept change. They resent the imposed changes and balk at adapting what they are doing to implement required changes. Consider your reactions when faced with imposed changes. Discuss whether your reactions placed you into a group with the first, second, or third type of person identified above. After you have written and posted your response, read the postings of other students in the class and reply to at least two of them. Assignment Resources Please post a resource you have found for this week’s Assignment. What resource has been the most helpful to complete the Assignment? Order a similar assignment, and have writers from our team of experts write it for you, guaranteeing you an A