1. What is the difference between a deterministic variable versus a probabilistic variable?
2. What makes one model deterministic and another model probabilistic? Give examples.
3. Identify and discuss the steps in the decision modeling process. Give examples.
4. How do we use the information about machine capacity in Part A of Sample Problem 1-29?
5. What would the revenues be for part A and B in Problem 1-29? How did you calculate it?
6. What would the profits be for each machine in part C in Problem 1-29? How did you calculate it?
module 2
Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.
unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.
In reference to sample problem 2-23, explain how the constraint equation P – 5I <= 0 was derived from the statement,
“It has been agreed that the number of print media ads will be no more than five times the number of Internet bursts.
In reference to sample problem 2-23, explain one of the Excel equations in column D.
In reference to the sample problem 2-23, go to the Data tab and select one of the Solver parameters and explain how Solver uses it in solving the problem.
What is an unbounded solution and under what conditions is it possible?
Explain the fact that a linear programming problem can have an infinite number of solutions.
What are the assumptions of a linear programming model?
Discuss an assumption of a linear programming model and how the assumption would be violated.
Identify four special situations that can be encountered in a linear programming problem.
Discuss one of the four special circumstances that can be encountered in a linear programming problem. Give an example.
Module 3 Discussion
Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.
For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;
however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,
but must provide an original answer.
**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:
1) your discussion (worth 9pts).
2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).
3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.
Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.
unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.
1. In reference to sample problem 3-5 (page 80), explain one of the Excel equations in column J.
2. In reference to the sample problem 3-5, go to the Data tab and select one of the Solver parameters and explain how Solver uses it in solving the problem.
Chapter 3 examines several types of linear programming problems.
Explain one of the problem types including the Solver set-up strategy for solving such a problem type.
What are the typical the decision variables associated with the problem?
What types of constrains are typically encountered in such a problem. Give examples.
Module 4 Discussion
Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.
For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;
however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,
but must provide an original answer.
**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:
1) your discussion (worth 9pts).
2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).
3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.
Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.
unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.