Module 3 Discussion |
Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.
For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;
however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,
but must provide an original answer.
**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:
1) your discussion (worth 9pts).
2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).
3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.
Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.
unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.
1. In reference to sample problem 3-5 (page 80), explain one of the Excel equations in column J.
2. In reference to the sample problem 3-5, go to the Data tab and select one of the Solver parameters and explain how Solver uses it in solving the problem.
Chapter 3 examines several types of linear programming problems.
Explain one of the problem types including the Solver set-up strategy for solving such a problem type.
What are the typical the decision variables associated with the problem?
What types of constrains are typically encountered in such a problem. Give examples.
Module 4 Discussion |
Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.
For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;
however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,
but must provide an original answer.
**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:
1) your discussion (worth 9pts).
2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).
3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.
Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.
unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.
Module 4
1. Explain how a change in resource availability can affect the optimal solution of a problem.
2. Explain how a change in an objective function coefficient can affect the optimal solution of a problem.
3. What is the 100% rule? What is its role in analyzing the impact of simultaneous changes in model input data values?
4. What is the pricing out procedure? How can a firm benefit from using the pricing out procedure?
5. What is a sensitivity report? How is it used?
6. How do we detect the presence of alternative optimal solutions from a Solver Sensitivity Report?
7. What is the shadow price? Give an example. Why would a firm find information regarding the shadow price of a resource useful?
8. Explain slack and surplus. Give an example of each.
9. Explain binding and non-binding constraints. How can you tell in the sensitivity report that a constraint is binding.