Module 5 Discussion


Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.

For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;

however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,

but must provide an original answer.

**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:

1) your discussion (worth 9pts).

2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).

3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.

Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.

unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.


Module 5

1. Explain the difference between a balanced transportation model and an unbalanced transportation model. How does the fact that a model is balanced or unbalanced affect the constraints of the model?

2. Explain the difference in the approaches in solving balanced and unbalanced transportation problems.

3. What is the enumeration approach to solving assignment models? Is it a practical way to solve 5 row x 5 column models? Why?

4. What is the minimum-spanning tree model? What types of problems can be solved using this type of model?

5. What is the maximal-flow model? What types of problems can be solved using this type of model?

6. What is a shortest path model? What type of problem can be solved using this type of model?

7. What is a flow balance constraint? How is it implemented at each node in a network?


Module 6 Discussion


Students are directed to select one (1) discussion question to respond to for their initial response.

For the initial response, students must select a question that has not been answered;

however, if all questions have been answered, they are to choose the question with the last initial response,

but must provide an original answer.

**2** IMPORTATN – Please be reminded of what is required:

1) your discussion (worth 9pts).

2) 2 student replies (worth 3 pts, each).

3) please use your own words from information presented in course text.

Please use one of the following discussion questions to discuss. please try not to repeat question that another student may have already discussed.

unless, off course, all questions have been discussed.


Module 6

1. Compare the similarities and differences of linear programming (LP) and goal programming (GP).

2. What is the difference between pure and mixed Integer Programming (IP) problems? Which do you think is most common, and why?

3. What is meant by satisficing, and why is the term often used in conjunction with Goal Programming?

4. What are deviation variables? How do they differ from decision variables in traditional LP problems?

5. If you were the president of the college and were employing GP to assist in decision- making, what might your goals be? What kinds of constraints would you include in your model?

6. What does it mean to rank goals in GP? How does this affect the problem’s solution?

7. Provide your own examples of problems where the objective is nonlinear and one or more constraints are nonlinear.

8. What are some of the questions that can be answered with project management?

9. What are the major differences between PERT and CPM?

10. What is an activity? What is an immediate predecessor?

11. Discuss what is meant by critical path analysis. What are critical path activities, and why are they important?