1. This
      list of 6-10 sources will become your reference page. You may change your
      references before the final paper is due, but this preliminary references page should
      present a complete view of your topic. Also, your text book and Internet
      basesd sources (do not use Wikipedia)
      are valid sources. The outline should follow standard outline format. This milestone is worth 30 points toward the
      total grade for the paper.

    2. The
      reference page is a list of your sources with enough information about each
      source so that readers can locate them if needed. You don’t have to make your
      final decisions about sources yet, but it is important to locate good sources
      before proceeding with your paper. So, let’s put together the reference page in
      APA format. If needed, links to APA guides are available in the External Links
      section of the course. Don’t rely on one source too much – have a good list of
      references so that your paper is based on solid information.