Writing EASSY– Perfectly Done
1) Describe at leasttwo benefits ofusing enterprise systems
2) What are the business advantages of using voice over I P (Vol P) technology?
3) Describe the use of personalization and customization in e-commerce.What business value do these techniques have?
4) Describe MIS and DSS and differentiate between them.
Each Unit examination includes a written component.T his assignment may bein the form of written examination questions,case studyproblems,or other types of questions that require problem-solvingsolutions.Thewrittenassignment affordsthestudentan opportunitytodemonstrate alevel of subjectmasterybeyond theobjectiveUnitExaminations,which reflects his/her abilityto analyze,synthesize,evaluate and apply his/her knowledge. The comprehensive WrittenExamination materials are foundimmediatelyfollowing eachUnitExamination.
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Outline youransweras thiswillhelp you organize your thoughtsand provide a framework for youressay response. KeyPoint Allwork must be freeofany form of plagiarism.Put answers intoyour own words.Do not simply cutand pasteyour answers from the Internet or Wikipedia and do not copy youranswers from the textbook.Plagiarism consists of taking and usingthe ideas, writings, orInventions ofanotl-er.without giving creditto that person and presentingIt as one’s own.Thisis an offensethat the University takes very seriously (seepage 18 ofthestudent handbook).Anexample of a correctly prepared essayresponse maybe found byvisitingthe StudentWeb Portal viaCoastConnection. Completion of theWrittenExaminations allowsyou an opportunity to demonstrate a morethoroughand comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Takeyour time. Be asthoroughand completeas possible. ItIS ourhopeyou find these examinations to be a stimulating and challenging addition to your learning. |